Join Us

California map indicating Clean Water SoCal membership.

Public Agency POTW Members

Public Agency POTW members include any California city, special district, public agency or public organization engaged in the treatment of water and/or the collection, treatment, disposal, recycling or reuse of wastewater and its residuals. Public Agency POTW members pay dues based on the permitted flow of their POTWs.

Collection System Only Members

Collection System Only members include any California city, special district, public agency or public organization engaged in the collection of wastewater. Collection System Only members pay dues based on formula Small 0-249 miles $1,000yr / Medium 250-500 miles $1,500yr / Large over 500 miles $2,000yr.

Associate Members

Associate members are consultants, law firms, public utilities, investor owned utilities, manufacturers, suppliers, non-profit associations and other persons or entities involved in the treatment of water and/or the collection, treatment, disposal, recycling or reuse of wastewater and its residuals within the State of California. Associate members pay an annual fee of $1,500.

Should you have additional questions or would like more information about membership, please contact the Clean Water SoCal office.

Application Forms

Application for Public Agency POTW/Collection System Only Membership

Application for Associate Membership

Clean Water SoCal Associate Members benefit our mission by providing financial support, technical support and informational content for Clean Water SoCal initiatives. Consider them part of our team!

About Clean Water SoCal

Clean Water SoCal is a non-profit corporation organized to help ensure that regulations affecting POTWs and collection systems are reasonable and in the public's best interest.

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Mailing Address

PO Box 231565
Encinitas, CA 92024-1565